RADESI-N-04 RADERMACHERA sinica 04 IND  $            5.14
RADESI-N-05 RADERMACHERA sinica 05 IND  $          18.81
RADESI-N-06 RADERMACHERA sinica 06 IND  $            9.49
RADESI-N-08 RADERMACHERA sinica 08 CLR  $          21.62
RADESI-N-10 RADERMACHERA sinica 10 IND  $          27.62
RADESI-N-15 RADERMACHERA sinica 15 NAT  $          67.21
RANUAS-B-01 RANUNCULUS assorted 01 CLR  $            6.26
RASPHE-S-01 RASPBERRY Heritage 01 STK  $            7.35
RASPLA-S-01 RASPBERRY Latham 01 STK  $            7.35
RHAMJE-B-01 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' 01 BSH  $          10.55
RHAMJE-B-05 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' 05 BSH  $          23.96
RHAMJE-B-15 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' 15 NAT  $          67.21
RHAMJE-B-24 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' 24 BSH  $        240.96
RHAMJE-S-01 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' Stk 01 STK  $            9.55
RHAMJE-S-05 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' Stk 05 STK  $          34.09
RHAMJE-S-07 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' Stk 07 STK  $          56.73
RHAMJE-S-15 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' Stk 15 STK  $          83.18
RHAMJE-S-24 RHAMNUS a. 'John Edwards' Stk 24 STK  $        305.45
RHAMAL-B-01 RHAMNUS alaternus 01 NAT  $            9.55
RHAMAL-B-05 RHAMNUS alaternus 05 NAT  $          20.68
RHAMAL-S-05 RHAMNUS alaternus 05 STK  $          26.77
RHAMAL-B-15 RHAMNUS alaternus 15 NAT  $          66.53
RHAMAL-S-15 RHAMNUS alaternus 15 STK  $          66.78
RHAMAV-B-01 RHAMNUS alaternus var. 01 NAT  $          11.54
RHAMAV-B-05 RHAMNUS alaternus var. 05 BSH  $          31.00
RHAMAV-B-15 RHAMNUS alaternus var. 15 NAT  $        106.54
RHAMMS-B-01 RHAMNUS c. 'Mound San Bruno' 01 NAT  $            9.55
RHAMMS-B-03 RHAMNUS c. 'Mound San Bruno' 03 BSH  $          21.14
RHAMMS-B-05 RHAMNUS c. 'Mound San Bruno' 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHAMMS-B-15 RHAMNUS c. 'Mound San Bruno' 15 BSH  $          71.14
RHAMEC-B-01 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' 01 BSH  $          11.34
RHAMEC-B-05 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' 05 BSH  $          28.64
RHAMEC-B-07 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' 07 BSH  $          56.73
RHAMEC-B-15 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' 15 BSH  $          79.01
RHAMEC-S-01 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' Staked 01 STK  $            9.55
RHAMEC-S-05 RHAMNUS cal. 'Eve Case' Staked 05 STK  $          16.45
RHAMLL-B-01 RHAMNUS cal. 'Leather Leaf' 01 BSH  $          14.34
RHAMLL-B-05 RHAMNUS cal. 'Leather Leaf' 05 BSH  $          29.12
RHAMLL-B-15 RHAMNUS cal. 'Leather Leaf' 15 BSH  $        106.54
RHAMLS-B-01 RHAMNUS cal. Little Sur 01 BSH  $            9.55
RHAMLS-B-05 RHAMNUS cal. Little Sur 05 BSH  $          20.68
RHAMCT-B-05 RHAMNUS Cal.Tomentella 5 BSH  $          26.77
RHAMCT-B-01 RHAMNUS Cal.Tomentella 01 BSH  $            9.55
RHAMCA-B-01 RHAMNUS california 01 BSH  $          10.06
RHAMCA-B-05 RHAMNUS california 05 BSH  $          26.77
RHAMCA-B-15 RHAMNUS california 15 BSH  $          79.01
RHAMSE-B-05 RHAMNUS californica 'Seaview' 05 BSH  $          23.02
RHAMFL-B-05R rhamnus Fine Line 05 BSH  $          27.71
RHAMFL-B-01 RHAMNUS Fine Line® 01 BSH  $            9.55
RHAMFL-B-03 RHAMNUS Fine Line® 03 BSH  $          34.26
RHAMFA-B-05 RHAMNUS frangula Asplenifolia 05 BSH  $          20.68
RHAMFA-B-15 RHAMNUS frangula Asplenifolia 15 BSH  $          66.53
RHAMCO-B-01 RHAMNUS frangula 'Columnaris' 01 BSH  $          11.54
RHAMCO-B-05C RHAMNUS frangula 'Columnaris' 05 BSH  $          23.49
RHAMIL-B-01 RHAMNUS ilicifolia 01 BSH  $            9.55
RHAPMB-P-01 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 01 PTR  $          12.54
RHAPMB-P-05 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          43.66
RHAPMB-P-15 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          98.67
RHAPMB-P-16 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 16 PTR  $        165.17
RHAPMB-P-24 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 24 PTR  $        288.15
RHAPMB-P-36 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 36 PTR  $        695.84
RHAPMB-P-48 RHAP. 'Magnificent' Patio Tree 48 PTR  $     1,665.81
RHAPCC-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Coates Crimson 01 BSH  $            7.35
RHAPCC-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Coates Crimson 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPCC-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Coates Crimson 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPEN-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPEN-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPEN-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPEN-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress Esp. 05 ESP  $          58.43
RHAPEW-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress White 01 BSH  $            6.55
RHAPEW-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress White 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPEW-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Enchantress White 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPHO-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Harbinger of Spri 01 BSH  $            6.35
RHAPHO-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Harbinger of Spri 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPHO-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Harbinger of Spri 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPCL-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Clara' Esp. 05 ESP  $          58.43
RHAPPL-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPPL-B-03 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 03 BSH  $          15.03
RHAPPL-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPPL-B-07 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 07 BSH  $          42.74
RHAPPL-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPPL-B-20 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 20 BSH  $        173.03
RHAPPL-B-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 24 BSH  $        240.96
RHAPPL-B-36 RHAPHIOLEPIS i. 'Pink Lady' 36 BSH  $        695.84
RHAPBA-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS ind. 'Ballerina' 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPBA-B-03 RHAPHIOLEPIS ind. 'Ballerina' 03 BSH  $          14.52
RHAPBA-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS ind. 'Ballerina' 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPBA-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS ind. 'Ballerina' 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPCL-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Clara' 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPCL-B-03 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Clara' 03 BSH  $          15.03
RHAPCL-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Clara' 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPCL-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Clara' 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPCL-B-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Clara' 24 BSH  $        240.96
RHAPPI-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Pinkie' 01 BSH  $            6.86
RHAPPI-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Pinkie' 05 BSH  $          17.87
RHAPPI-B-07 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Pinkie' 07 BSH  $          49.51
RHAPPI-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS indica 'Pinkie' 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPJE-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPJE-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPJE-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPJE-B-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans 24 BSH  $        240.96
RHAPJE-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans Esp. 05 ESP  $          58.43
RHAPJE-E-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Jack Evans Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
RHAPMB-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHAPMB-B-03 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 03 BSH  $                -
RHAPMB-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPMB-B-07 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 07 BSH  $          46.12
RHAPMB-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPMB-B-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 24 BSH  $        240.96
RHAPMB-B-30 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 30 BSH  $        344.77
RHAPMB-B-36 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' 36 BSH  $        695.84
RHAPMB-X-30 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Bkt 30 TOP  $        344.77
RHAPMB-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Esp 05 ESP  $          58.43
RHAPMB-E-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Esp 15 ESP  $        193.05
RHAPMB-E-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Esp 24 ESP  $        555.56
RHAPMB-T-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 01 TRE  $          17.41
RHAPMB-T-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 05 TRE  $          43.66
RHAPMB-T-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 15 TRE  $          75.08
RHAPMB-T-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 24 TRE  $        288.15
RHAPMB-T-30 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 30 TRE  $        502.07
RHAPMB-T-36 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 36 TRE  $        695.84
RHAPMB-T-42 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 42 TRE  $        864.94
RHAPMB-T-48 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Magnificent' Std 48 TRE  $     1,665.81
RHAPPL-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Pink Lady' Esp. 05 ESP  $          54.35
RHAPPL-E-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Pink Lady' Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
RHAPPL-P-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 01 PTR  $          12.54
RHAPPL-P-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 05 PTR  $          43.66
RHAPPL-P-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 15 PTR  $        122.27
RHAPPL-P-24 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 24 PTR  $        266.12
RHAPPL-P-30 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 30 PTR  $        502.07
RHAPPL-P-36 RHAPHIOLEPIS Pink Lady P. Tree 36 PTR  $        695.84
RHAPRC-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS Ruby Compact 01 BSH  $            6.26
RHAPRC-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS Ruby Compact 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPRC-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS Ruby Compact 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPUM-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 01 BSH  $            7.55
RHAPUM-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 05 BSH  $          16.45
RHAPUM-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 15 BSH  $          61.63
RHAPUM-E-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata Esp. 05 ESP  $          54.35
RHAPUN-B-01 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 'Minor' 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHAPUN-B-03 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 'Minor' 03 BSH  $                -
RHAPUN-N-04 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 'Minor' 04 PRO  $            6.53
RHAPUN-B-05 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 'Minor' 05 BSH  $          17.39
RHAPUN-B-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata 'Minor' 15 BSH  $          56.73
RHAPUM-P-15 RHAPHIOLEPIS umbellata P.Tree 15 PTR  $          67.21
RHUBCR-B-02 RHEUM chipmans Canada Red 02 BSH  $          15.52
RHIPGA-N-04 RHIPSALIDOPSIS Gaertneri 04 BSH  $            6.33
RHIPGA-N-06 RHIPSALIDOPSIS Gaertneri 06 BSH  $          11.18
RHIPGA-N-08 RHIPSALIDOPSIS Gaertneri 08 BSH  $          28.56
RHODAM-B-05 RHODODENDRON America 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODAK-B-01 RHODODENDRON Anah Kruschke 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODAK-B-05 RHODODENDRON Anah Kruschke 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODAK-B-15 RHODODENDRON Anah Kruschke 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODAR-B-01 RHODODENDRON Anna Rose 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODAR-B-05 RHODODENDRON Anna Rose 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODAS-B-05 RHODODENDRON assorted 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODAS-B-15 RHODODENDRON assorted 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODBB-B-01 RHODODENDRON Baden Baden 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODBB-B-05 RHODODENDRON Baden Baden 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODCA-B-02 RHODODENDRON Calsap 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODCB-B-02 RHODODENDRON Catawbiense 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODCH-B-01 RHODODENDRON Chionoides 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODCH-B-05 RHODODENDRON Chionoides 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODCO-B-05 RHODODENDRON Cosmopolitan 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODCO-B-15 RHODODENDRON Cosmopolitan 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODCW-B-01 RHODODENDRON Cunningham 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODCW-B-05 RHODODENDRON Cunningham 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODCW-B-15 RHODODENDRON Cunningham 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODFA-B-15 RHODODENDRON Fastuosum 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODGI-B-05 RHODODENDRON Giganteum 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODGI-B-15 RHODODENDRON Giganteum 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODGW-B-05 RHODODENDRON Gomer Waterer 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODGW-B-15 RHODODENDRON Gomer Waterer 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODGW-B-24 RHODODENDRON Gomer Waterer 24 BSH  $        266.12
RHODHO-B-05 RHODODENDRON Holden 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODHO-B-15 RHODODENDRON Holden 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODJE-B-05 RHODODENDRON Jean Marie 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODJE-B-15 RHODODENDRON Jean Marie 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODJM-B-05 RHODODENDRON Jean Mori 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODLE-B-02 RHODODENDRON Lee's Purple 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODLE-B-05 RHODODENDRON Lee's Purple 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODLE-B-15 RHODODENDRON Lee's Purple 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODLO-B-07 RHODODENDRON Lodestar white 07 BSH  $          52.05
RHODLO-B-20 RHODODENDRON Lodestar white 20 BSH  $        157.30
RHODML-B-15 RHODODENDRON Mrs.T.Lowinsk 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODML-B-24 RHODODENDRON Mrs.T.Lowinsk 24 BSH  $        266.12
RHODNZ-B-01 RHODODENDRON Nova Zembla 01 BSH  $          10.55
RHODNZ-B-02 RHODODENDRON Nova Zembla 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODNZ-B-05 RHODODENDRON Nova Zembla 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODNZ-B-15 RHODODENDRON Nova Zembla 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODPG-B-05 RHODODENDRON Parsons Glori 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODPG-B-15 RHODODENDRON Parsons Glori 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODPS-B-05 RHODODENDRON Purple Splend 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODPS-B-15 RHODODENDRON Purple Splend 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODRO-B-02 RHODODENDRON Roberts 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODRK-B-01 RHODODENDRON Rocket 01 BSH  $          10.55
RHODRK-B-05 RHODODENDRON Rocket 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODRE-B-01 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 01 BSH  $            8.55
RHODRE-B-02 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODRE-B-05 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODRE-B-07 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 07 BSH  $          52.05
RHODRE-B-15 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODRE-B-20 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 20 BSH  $        157.30
RHODRE-B-24 RHODODENDRON Roseum Elegan 24 BSH  $        266.12
RHODSC-B-02 RHODODENDRON Scintillation 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODSC-B-07 RHODODENDRON Scintillation 07 BSH  $          52.05
RHODSC-B-20 RHODODENDRON Scintillation 20 BSH  $        157.30
RHODSM-B-02 RHODODENDRON Sean Marie 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODSD-B-15 RHODODENDRON Spring Dawn 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODST-B-15 RHODODENDRON Spring Time 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODTG-B-15 RHODODENDRON The General 15 BSH  $          65.71
RHODTR-B-07 RHODODENDRON Trilby 07 BSH  $          52.05
RHODTR-B-20 RHODODENDRON Trilby 20 BSH  $        157.30
RHODUN-B-02 RHODODENDRON Unique cream 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODVU-B-05 RHODODENDRON Vulcan 05 BSH  $          25.37
RHODWI-B-02 RHODODENDRON Wilgem 02 BSH  $          16.45
RHODWR-B-01 RHODODENDRON Wilgens Ruby 01 BSH  $          10.55
RHODWR-B-05 RHODODENDRON Wilgens Ruby 05 NAT  $          25.37
RHUSAR-B-05 RHUS aromatica 05 BSH  $          20.68
RHUSAG-B-01 RHUS aromatica Gro-low 01 BSH  $            9.55
RHUSAG-B-02 RHUS aromatica Gro-low 02 BSH  $                -
RHUSAG-B-03 RHUS aromatica Gro-low 03 BSH  $          19.27
RHUSAG-B-05 RHUS aromatica Gro-low 05 BSH  $          21.14
RHUSAG-B-05C RHUS aromatica Gro-low 05 BSH  $          21.14
RHUSGL-B-01 RHUS glabra 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHUSGL-B-05 RHUS glabra 05 BSH  $          26.77
RHUSIN-B-01 RHUS integrifolia 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHUSIN-N-04 RHUS integrifolia 04 PRO  $            4.54
RHUSIN-B-05 RHUS integrifolia 05 BSH  $          26.77
RHUSIN-B-15 RHUS integrifolia 15 BSH  $          75.08
RHUSLA-M-01 RHUS lancea Multi 01 MLT  $            9.35
RHUSLA-M-05 RHUS lancea Multi 05 MLT  $          28.64
RHUSLA-M-15 RHUS lancea Multi 15 MLT  $          61.63
RHUSLA-M-24 RHUS lancea Multi 24 MLT  $        242.53
RHUSLA-M-25 RHUS lancea Multi 25 MLT  $        240.96
RHUSLA-M-30 RHUS lancea Multi 30 MLT  $        447.02
RHUSLA-M-36 RHUS lancea Multi 36 MLT  $        601.46
RHUSLA-M-42 RHUS lancea Multi 42 MLT  $     1,061.56
RHUSLA-M-48 RHUS lancea Multi 48 MLT  $     1,590.19
RHUSLA-M-60 RHUS lancea Multi 60 MLT  $     2,976.88
RHUSLA-T-01 RHUS lancea Std 01 TRE  $            9.35
RHUSLA-T-05 RHUS lancea Std 05 TRE  $          30.52
RHUSLA-T-15 RHUS lancea Std 15 TRE  $          66.53
RHUSLA-T-24 RHUS lancea Std 24 TRE  $        240.96
RHUSLA-T-25 RHUS lancea Std 25 TRE  $        240.96
RHUSLA-T-30 RHUS lancea Std 30 TRE  $        478.48
RHUSLA-T-36 RHUS lancea Std 36 TRE  $        584.16
RHUSLA-T-42 RHUS lancea Std 42 TRE  $     1,022.24
RHUSLA-T-48 RHUS lancea Std 48 TRE  $     1,605.31
RHUSLA-T-54 RHUS lancea Std 54 TRE  $     1,937.79
RHUSLA-T-60 RHUS lancea Std 60 TRE  $     2,976.88
RHUSLU-B-01 RHUS laurina 01 NAT  $            8.06
RHUSLU-B-05 RHUS laurina 05 BSH  $          26.77
RHUSOV-B-01 RHUS ovata 01 BSH  $          11.34
RHUSOV-B-05 RHUS ovata 05 BSH  $          27.71
RHUSOV-B-15 RHUS ovata 15 BSH  $          82.94
RHUSTE-B-01C RHUS Tiger Eyes 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHUSTE-B-05C RHUS Tiger Eyes 05 BSH  $          28.64
RHUSTR-B-01 RHUS trilobata 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHUSTR-B-05 RHUS trilobata 05 BSH  $          20.68
RHUSTR-B-05C RHUS trilobata 05 BSH  $          21.62
RHUSAA-B-01 RHUS trilobata Autumn Amber 01 BSH  $          11.54
RHUSAA-B-05 RHUS trilobata Autumn Amber 05 BSH  $          21.14
RHUSTY-B-01 RHUS typhia 01 BSH  $            8.06
RHUSTY-B-05 RHUS typhia 05 BSH  $          20.68
RHUSTY-B-05C RHUS typhia 05 BSH  $          21.62
RHUSTY-T-05C RHUS typhia Std 05 TRE  $          21.62
RHYNNE-B-01 RHYNCHELYTRUM nerviglume 01 BSH  $            9.95
RHYNNE-B-05 RHYNCHELYTRUM nerviglume 05 BSH  $          17.87
RIBEAL-B-01 RIBES alpinum 01 BSH  $            7.06
RIBEAL-B-01C RIBES alpinum 01 BSH  $            7.06
RIBEAL-B-05 RIBES alpinum 05 BSH  $          19.74
RIBEAL-B-05C RIBES alpinum 05 BSH  $          21.62
RIBEGM-B-01 RIBES alpinum 'Green Mound' 01 BSH  $            9.55
RIBEGM-B-05C RIBES alpinum 'Green Mound' 05 BSH  $          20.68
RIBEGM-B-05 RIBES alpinum 'Green Mound' 05 BSH  $          21.62
RIBEAU-B-01 RIBES aureum 01 BSH  $            7.06
RIBEAU-B-01C RIBES aureum 01 BSH  $            7.06
RIBEAU-B-05C RIBES aureum 05 BSH  $          21.62
RIBEAU-B-05 RIBES aureum 05 BSH  $          20.20
RIBECE-B-01 RIBES cereum 01 BSH  $          12.54
RIBECE-B-05C RIBES cereum 05 BSH  $          21.62
RIBENE-B-01 RIBES nevadense 01 BSH  $            6.26
RIBENE-B-03C RIBES nevadense 03 BSH  $          24.89
RIBENE-B-05 RIBES nevadense 05 BSH  $          20.68
RIBENE-B-05C RIBES nevadense 05 BSH  $          21.14
RIBEBC-B-05 RIBES sang. 'Barrie Coate' 05 BSH  $          34.26
RIBECL-B-01 RIBES sang. Clarmont 01 BSH  $            7.06
RIBECL-B-05 RIBES sang. Clarmont 05 NAT  $          18.81
RIBEGL-B-01 RIBES sang. glutinosum 01 NAT  $            7.06
RIBEGL-B-05 RIBES sang. glutinosum 05 NAT  $          17.87
RIBEKE-B-01 RIBES sang. King Edward VII 01 BSH  $            8.35
RIBEKE-B-03 RIBES sang. King Edward VII 03 BSH  $          29.58
RIBEKE-B-05 RIBES sang. King Edward VII 05 BSH  $          32.94
RIBESA-B-01 RIBES sanguineuminosum 01 BSH  $            7.55
RIBESA-B-05 RIBES sanguineuminosum 05 BSH  $          20.68
RIBESA-B-15 RIBES sanguineuminosum 15 BSH  $          64.08
RIBESP-B-01 RIBES speciosum 01 BSH  $            9.55
RIBESP-B-03 RIBES speciosum 03 BSH  $          30.31
RIBESP-B-05 RIBES speciosum 05 BSH  $          20.68
RIBEVI-B-01 RIBES viburnifolium 01 BSH  $            8.06
RIBEVI-B-03 RIBES viburnifolium 03 BSH  $          30.31
RIBEVI-B-03 RIBES viburnifolium 03 BSH  $          30.31
RIBEVI-B-05 RIBES viburnifolium 05 BSH  $          21.14
ROBIPC-T-05 ROBINIA Purple Crown 05 TRE  $          22.56
ROBIPC-T-15 ROBINIA Purple Crown 15 TRE  $          48.66
ROBIPC-T-24 ROBINIA Purple Crown 24 TRE  $        240.96
ROBIPR-T-05 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 05 TRE  $          25.37
ROBIPR-T-15 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 15 TRE  $          65.71
ROBIPR-T-24 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 24 TRE  $        240.96
ROBIPR-T-25 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 25 TRE  $        240.96
ROBIPR-T-30 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 30 TRE  $        360.50
ROBIPR-T-36 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 36 TRE  $        584.16
ROBIPR-T-42 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 42 TRE  $        943.59
ROBIPR-T-48 ROBINIA 'Purple Robe' 48 TRE  $     1,567.50
ROBIDE-T-05 ROBINIA x Decaisneana 05 TRE  $          22.56
ROBIDE-T-15 ROBINIA x Decaisneana 15 TRE  $          48.66
ROBIID-T-05 ROBINIA x Idahoensis 05 TRE  $          22.56
ROBIID-T-15 ROBINIA x Idahoensis 15 TRE  $          50.36
ROBIID-T-24 ROBINIA x Idahoensis 24 TRE  $        240.96
ROBIID-T-30 ROBINIA x Idahoensis 30 TRE  $        329.04
ROBIID-T-48 ROBINIA x Idahoensis 48 TRE  $     1,567.50
ROMNCO-B-01 ROMNEYA coulteri 01 NAT  $          11.54
ROMNCO-B-05 ROMNEYA coulteri 05 NAT  $          36.45
ROMNCO-B-10 ROMNEYA coulteri 10 BSH  $          61.63
ROBAGR-B-10 ROSA Baby Grand 10 BSH  $          30.72
ROSABA-S-01 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena 01 STK  $            7.86
ROSABA-S-05 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena 05 STK  $          26.77
ROSABA-S-15 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena 15 STK  $          61.88
ROSABA-E-05 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Esp. 05 ESP  $          58.43
ROSABA-E-15 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Esp. 15 ESP  $        177.32
ROSABA-E-24 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Esp. 24 ESP  $        579.15
ROSABA-P-05 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena P.Tre 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSABA-P-15 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena P.Tre 15 PTR  $          67.21
ROSABA-P-24 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena P.Tre 24 PTR  $        242.53
ROSABA-T-15 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Std 15 TRE  $          67.21
ROSABA-B-01 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Unstk 01 BSH  $            6.75
ROSABA-B-03 ROSA banksiae Alba Plena Unstk 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSABL-S-01 ROSA banksiae Lutea 01 STK  $            7.86
ROSABL-S-05 ROSA banksiae Lutea 05 STK  $          26.77
ROSABL-S-15 ROSA banksiae Lutea 15 STK  $          61.88
ROSABL-B-01 ROSA banksiae Lutea Bush 01 BSH  $            6.86
ROSABL-E-05 ROSA banksiae Lutea Esp 05 ESP  $          58.43
ROSABL-E-15 ROSA banksiae Lutea Esp. 15 ESP  $        177.32
ROSABL-E-24 ROSA banksiae Lutea Esp. 24 ESP  $        579.15
ROSABL-P-05 ROSA banksiae Lutea Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSABL-P-15 ROSA banksiae Lutea Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSABL-P-24 ROSA banksiae Lutea Patio Tree 24 PTR  $        242.53
ROSACA-B-01 ROSA californica 01 BSH  $          10.35
ROSACA-B-05 ROSA californica 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROHOTA-B-10 ROSA Hot Tamale 10 BSH  $          30.72
ROMOSH-B-05 ROSA Moon Shadow 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSAHO-S-03 ROSA Sally Holmes 03 STK  $          19.18
ROSAHO-S-05 ROSA Sally Holmes 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSAHO-S-15 ROSA Sally Holmes 15 STK  $          83.18
ROSUBL-B-10 ROSA Sunblaze 10 BSH  $          30.72
ROGRPI-B-01 ROSA x 'Groundcover Pink' 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROGRPI-B-02 ROSA x 'Groundcover Pink' 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROGRRE-B-01 ROSA x 'Groundcover Red' 01 BSH  $            9.55
ROGRRE-B-02 ROSA x 'Groundcover Red' 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROGRWH-B-01 ROSA x 'Groundcover White' 01 BSH  $            9.55
ROGRWH-B-02 ROSA x 'Groundcover White' 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROGRWH-B-03 ROSA x 'Groundcover White' 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROGRWH-B-05 ROSA x 'Groundcover White' 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGRYE-B-02 ROSA x 'Groundcover Yellow' 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSUHT-B-02 ROSA x 'Sunshine Happy Trails' 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSUHT-B-03 ROSA x 'Sunshine Happy Trails' 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROABDA-B-02 ROSE Abraham Darby Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROABDA-B-05 ROSE Abraham Darby Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROABDA-B-07 ROSE Abraham Darby Bush 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROALTI-S-05 ROSE 'Altissimo' Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROALTI-S-15 ROSE 'Altissimo' Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROALTI-E-24 ROSE 'Altissimo' Climber 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROAMBR-B-05 ROSE Ambridge Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROAMER-S-05 ROSE America Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROAMSP-B-02 ROSE American Spirit Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROANFA-B-02 ROSE Angel Face Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROANFA-B-03 ROSE Angel Face Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROANFA-B-05 ROSE Angel Face Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROANFA-P-05 ROSE Angel Face Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROANFA-P-15 ROSE Angel Face Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROAPBL-B-02 ROSE Appleblossom 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROAPDR-B-01 ROSE 'Apricot Drift' PP#23354 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROAPDR-B-02 ROSE 'Apricot Drift' PP#23354 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROAROM-P-05 ROSE Aromatherapy Patio tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROAROM-P-15 ROSE Aromatherapy Patio tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROARTI-B-02 ROSE Artistry Bush 02 BSH  $          21.62
ROARTI-P-05 ROSE Artistry Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROASST-B-05 ROSE Assorted 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROAUCO-B-03 ROSE Austrian Copper Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROAUSU-B-03 ROSE Autumn Sunset 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROAUSU-S-05 ROSE Autumn Sunset Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROAUSU-S-15 ROSE Autumn Sunset Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROBABL-B-01 ROSE Baby Blanket Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROBABL-B-02 ROSE Baby Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROBABL-B-03 ROSE Baby Blanket Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBABL-B-05 ROSE Baby Blanket Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBABL-P-05 ROSE Baby Blanket Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBABL-P-15 ROSE Baby Blanket Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROBABU-B-05 ROSE Barbara Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBABU-P-05 ROSE Barbara Bush Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBABU-P-15 ROSE Barbara Bush Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROBAST-B-05 ROSE Barbra Streisand Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROBAST-P-05 ROSE Barbra Streisand Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBAST-P-15 ROSE Barbra Streisand Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROBERO-P-05 ROSE Bella Roma Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBERO-P-15 ROSE Bella Roma Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROBELO-B-05 ROSE Beloved Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBEBR-B-05 ROSE Benjamin Britten Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBEBR-S-05 ROSE Benjamin Britten Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROBEBO-B-02 ROSE Betty Boop Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBEBO-B-03 ROSE Betty Boop Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBEPR-B-02 ROSE Betty Prior Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBEPR-B-05 ROSE Betty Prior Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBEWI-B-02 ROSE Bewitched Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBEWI-B-05 ROSE Bewitched Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROBEWI-P-05 ROSE Bewitched Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBEWI-P-15 ROSE Bewitched Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROBIWA-P-05 ROSE Bill Warriner Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBLMA-B-02 ROSE Black Magic Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBLMA-B-05 ROSE Black Magic Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBLMA-P-05 ROSE Black Magic Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBLMA-P-15 ROSE Black Magic Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROBLMA-P-15 ROSE Blaze Improved Bush 03 ROS  $          19.27
ROBLIM-S-03 ROSE Blaze Improved Climber 03 STK  $          19.18
ROBLIM-S-05 ROSE Blaze Improved Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROBLIM-S-15 ROSE Blaze Improved Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROBLBL-B-02 ROSE Blossom Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $                -
ROBLGI-B-02 ROSE Blue Girl Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBLGI-B-03 ROSE Blue Girl Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBLGI-B-05 ROSE Blue Girl Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBLGI-P-05 ROSE Blue Girl Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBLGI-P-15 ROSE Blue Girl Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROBLRI-B-02 ROSE Blue Ribbon Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBLRI-B-05 ROSE Blue Ribbon Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBLRI-P-05 ROSE Blue Ribbon Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBLRI-P-15 ROSE Blue Ribbon Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROBONI-B-01 ROSE Bonica Bush 01 BSH  $            8.55
ROBONI-B-02 ROSE Bonica Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROBONI-B-03 ROSE Bonica Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBONI-B-05 ROSE Bonica Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBRAI-B-05 ROSE Braithwaite 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBRAI-S-05 ROSE Braithwaite Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROBRAN-B-02 ROSE Brandy Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBRAN-B-03 ROSE Brandy Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBRAN-B-05 ROSE Brandy Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROBRAN-P-05 ROSE Brandy Bush Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBRAN-P-15 ROSE Brandy Bush Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROBRIG-B-02 ROSE Brigadoon Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBRIG-B-05 ROSE Brigadoon Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBRPI-B-05 ROSE Brilliant Pink Iceberg 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROBRCA-B-05 ROSE Brother Cadfael Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBRCA-S-05 ROSE Brother Cadfael Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROBUIC-B-01 ROSE Burgundy Iceberg Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROBUIC-B-02 ROSE Burgundy Iceberg Bush 02 BSH  $          18.14
ROBUIC-B-03 ROSE Burgundy Iceberg Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROBUIC-B-05 ROSE Burgundy Iceberg Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBUIC-B-15 ROSE Burgundy Iceberg Bush 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROBUDE-B-02 ROSE Burning Desire Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROBUDE-B-05 ROSE Burning Desire Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROBUDE-P-05 ROSE Burning Desire Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROBUDE-P-15 ROSE Burning Desire Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROCAND-B-02 ROSE Candelabra Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROCAND-B-05 ROSE Candelabra Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCAMI-B-05 ROSE Carding Mill Bush 05 BSH  $          30.31
ROCADE-B-03 ROSE Carefree Delight Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCAMA-B-05 ROSE Carefree Marvel Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCASP-B-03 ROSE Carefree Spirit Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCAWO-B-02 ROSE Carefree Wonder Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROCAWO-B-03 ROSE Carefree Wonder Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCAWO-B-05 ROSE Carefree Wonder Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCEBR-B-02 ROSE Cecile Brunner Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROCEBR-B-05 ROSE Cecile Brunner Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCEBR-B-15 ROSE Cecile Brunner Bush 15 BSH  $          75.08
ROCEBR-S-01 ROSE Cecile Brunner Climber 01 STK  $            8.55
ROCEBR-S-05 ROSE Cecile Brunner Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROCEBR-S-15 ROSE Cecile Brunner Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROCEBR-E-05 ROSE Cecile Brunner Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROCEBR-E-15 ROSE Cecile Brunner Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROCEBR-E-24 ROSE Cecile Brunner Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROCHAR-S-05 ROSE 'Charisma' Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROCHAR-S-15 ROSE 'Charisma' Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROCHDA-B-05 ROSE Charles Darwin Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCHCH-B-05 ROSE Ch-Ching Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROCHCH-P-05 ROSE Ch-Ching Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROCHCH-P-15 ROSE Ch-Ching Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROCHPA-B-03 ROSE Cherry Parfait Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCHPE-B-03 ROSE 'Chicago Peace' Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROCHPE-B-05 ROSE 'Chicago Peace' Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCHDO-B-05 ROSE China Doll Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCHDO-P-05 ROSE China Doll Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROCHIM-B-03 ROSE Chrysler Imperial Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCHIM-B-05 ROSE Chrysler Imperial Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROCHIM-P-05 ROSE Chrysler Imperial P. Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROCHIM-P-15 ROSE Chrysler Imperial P. Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROCIMA-B-03 ROSE Cinco de Mayo Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROCITE-B-05 ROSE Citrus Tease Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCITE-P-05 ROSE Citrus Tease Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROCITE-P-15 ROSE Citrus Tease Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROCLAU-S-05 ROSE Claire Austin Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROCOLO-B-03 ROSE Colorific Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROCODR-B-01 ROSE 'Coral Drift' PP#19148 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROCODR-B-02 ROSE 'Coral Drift' PP#19148 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROCODR-B-07 ROSE 'Coral Drift' PP#19148 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROCRBO-B-05 ROSE Crimson Bouquet Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCRBO-P-05 ROSE Crimson Bouquet Patio Tr. 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROCRBO-P-15 ROSE Crimson Bouquet Patio Tr. 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROCROC-B-05 ROSE Crocus Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCROC-S-05 ROSE Crocus Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
RODABR-B-03 ROSE Day Breaker Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODIAN-B-02 ROSE Diana- Princess of Wales 02 BSH  $          17.39
RODIAN-B-05 ROSE Diana- Princess of Wales 05 BSH  $          25.37
RODIAN-P-05 ROSE Diana-Princess Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RODIAN-P-15 ROSE Diana-Princess Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
RODICL-P-05 ROSE Dick Clark Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RODILN-B-05 ROSE Disneyland Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RODIDR-B-03 ROSE Distant Drums Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODOJU-B-03 ROSE Don Juan Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODOJU-S-03 ROSE Don Juan Climber 03 STK  $          19.18
RODOJU-S-05 ROSE Don Juan Climber 05 STK  $          30.58
RODOJU-S-15 ROSE Don Juan Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
RODOJU-E-05 ROSE Don Juan Esp. 05 ESP  $          59.25
RODOJU-E-15 ROSE Don Juan Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
RODOJU-E-24 ROSE Don Juan Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
RODODE-B-02 ROSE Double Delight Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
RODODE-B-03 ROSE Double Delight Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODODE-B-05 ROSE Double Delight Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
RODODE-S-05 ROSE Double Delight Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
RODODE-E-15 ROSE Double Delight Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
RODODE-P-05 ROSE Double Delight Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RODODE-P-15 ROSE Double Delight Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          98.67
RODOKN-B-01 ROSE Double Knock Out Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RODOKN-B-02 ROSE Double Knock Out Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
RODOKN-B-03 ROSE Double Knock Out Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODPKN-B-01 ROSE Double Pink Knock Out 01 BSH  $          11.54
RODPKN-B-03 ROSE Double Pink Knock Out 03 BSH  $          26.77
RODPKN-B-05 ROSE Double Pink Knock Out 05 BSH  $          25.37
RODRCO-S-15 ROSE Dream Come True 15 STK  $          83.18
RODRCO-B-03 ROSE Dream Come True Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODRCO-B-05 ROSE Dream Come True Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
RODRWE-S-05 ROSE Dream Weaver Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
RODRWE-S-15 ROSE Dream Weaver Climber 15 STK  $        200.92
RODWPI-B-01 ROSE Dwarf Pink Bush 01 BSH  $          13.34
RODWRE-B-01 ROSE Dwarf Red Bush 01 BSH  $            8.35
RODWRE-B-02 ROSE Dwarf Red Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
RODWRE-B-03 ROSE Dwarf Red Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODWWH-B-03 ROSE Dwarf White 03 BSH  $          19.27
RODWWH-B-01 ROSE Dwarf White Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RODYNA-S-05 ROSE Dynamite Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROEAEF-B-05 ROSE Easy Elegance Firecracker 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROEAGO-B-03 ROSE Easy Going Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROEBTI-B-03 ROSE Ebb Tide Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROEBTI-B-05 ROSE Ebb Tide Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROELBL-B-01 ROSE Electric Blanket Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROELBL-B-02 ROSE Electric Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROELBL-B-03 ROSE Electric Blanket Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROELBL-B-05 ROSE Electric Blanket Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROELBL-P-15 ROSE Electric Blanket P. Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROELBL-P-05 ROSE Electric Blanket Patio Tr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROELEC-B-03 ROSE Electron Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROELLA-B-05 ROSE Elegant Lady  Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROENSA-B-05 ROSE English Sachet Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROENSA-P-05 ROSE English Sachet Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROENSA-P-15 ROSE English Sachet Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROEURE-P-05 ROSE Eureka Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROEURE-P-15 ROSE Eureka Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROEURO-B-02 ROSE Europeana Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROEURO-B-03 ROSE Europeana Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROEURO-B-05 ROSE Europeana Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROEURO-P-05 ROSE Europeana Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROEVEL-B-02 ROSE Evelyn Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROEVEL-B-05 ROSE Evelyn Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFABU-B-05 ROSE Fabulous Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFABU-P-05 ROSE Fabulous Bush Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFABU-P-15 ROSE Fabulous Bush Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROFALO-P-05 ROSE Falling in Love Patio Tre 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFAME-B-02 ROSE Fame Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFAME-B-05 ROSE Fame Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFAME-P-05 ROSE Fame Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFAME-P-15 ROSE Fame Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROFIKI-P-05 ROSE First Kiss Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFIKI-P-15 ROSE First Kiss Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROFIPR-B-03 ROSE First Prize Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROFIPR-B-05 ROSE First Prize Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFIPR-S-05 ROSE First Prize Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROFIPR-S-15 ROSE First Prize Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROFIPR-P-05 ROSE First Prize Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFIPR-P-15 ROSE First Prize Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROFLCA-B-01 ROSE Flower Carpet Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROFLCA-B-02 ROSE Flower Carpet Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFLCP-B-01 ROSE Flower Carpet Pink 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROFLCP-B-02 ROSE Flower Carpet Pink 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFLCP-B-05 ROSE Flower Carpet Pink 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFLCR-B-01 ROSE Flower Carpet Red Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROFLCR-B-02 ROSE Flower Carpet Red Bush 02 BSH  $          24.89
ROFLCW-B-01 ROSE Flower Carpet White Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROFLCW-B-02 ROSE Flower Carpet White Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFLCW-B-03 ROSE Flower Carpet White Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROFOJU-S-15 ROSE 'Fourth of July' Climber 15 STK  $        169.70
ROFRCL-B-02 ROSE Fragrant Cloud Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFRCL-B-03 ROSE Fragrant Cloud Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROFRCL-B-05 ROSE Fragrant Cloud Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROFRCL-P-15 ROSE Fragrant Cloud Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROFRCL-P-05 ROSE Fragrant Cloud PatioTree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFRKE-B-05 ROSE Fragrant Keepsake Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFRME-B-05 ROSE Fragrant Memory Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFRME-P-05 ROSE Fragrant Memory PatioTree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFRME-P-15 ROSE Fragrant Memory PatioTree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROFRPL-B-03 ROSE Fragrant Plum Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROFRLA-B-02 ROSE French Lace Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFRLA-B-05 ROSE French Lace Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFRPE-B-02 ROSE French Perfume Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROFRPE-B-05 ROSE French Perfume Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROFRPE-P-05 ROSE French Perfume PatioTree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROFRPE-P-15 ROSE French Perfume PatioTree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROGAPA-B-05 ROSE Garden Party Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGEMI-B-02 ROSE Gemini Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROGEMI-B-05 ROSE Gemini Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGEHE-B-05 ROSE Gentle Hermione bush 05 BSH  $          52.13
ROGEJE-B-05 ROSE Gertrud Jekyll Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGING-B-02 ROSE Gingersnap Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROGING-B-05 ROSE Gingersnap Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROGING-P-05 ROSE Gingersnap Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROGING-P-15 ROSE Gingersnap Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROGLMA-B-05 ROSE Glacier Majic 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGOGL-P-05 ROSE Gold Glow Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROGOME-B-02 ROSE Gold Medal Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROGOME-B-03 ROSE Gold Medal Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROGOCE-B-02 ROSE Golden Celebration Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROGOCE-B-05 ROSE Golden Celebration Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGOSH-S-05 ROSE Golden Showers Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROGOSH-S-15 ROSE Golden Showers Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROGOSH-E-05 ROSE Golden Showers Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROGOSH-E-15 ROSE Golden Showers Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROGOSH-E-24 ROSE Golden Showers Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROGRTH-B-02 ROSE Graham Thomas Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROGRTH-B-05 ROSE Graham Thomas Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROGRTH-S-05 ROSE Graham Thomas Bush 05 STK  $          29.25
ROGRDA-B-05 ROSE Grande Dame Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROGRDA-P-05 ROSE Grande Dame Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROGRDA-P-15 ROSE Grande Dame Ptr 15 PTR  $          98.67
ROHAND-S-05 ROSE Handel Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROHANS-B-05 ROSE Hansa Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROHANS-S-03 ROSE Hansa Stk. 03 STK  $          19.18
ROHACH-B-02 ROSE Happy Chappy 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROHEGO-B-03 ROSE Heart O' Gold Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROHEAT-B-05 ROSE Heathcliff bush 05 BSH  $          52.13
ROHEIR-B-05 ROSE Heirloom Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROHEFO-B-02 ROSE Henry Fonda Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROHEFO-B-05 ROSE Henry Fonda Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROHEFO-P-05 ROSE Henry Fonda Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROHEFO-P-15 ROSE Henry Fonda Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROHERI-B-05 ROSE Heritage Bush 05 BSH  $          44.94
ROHERI-S-05 ROSE Heritage Climb 05 STK  $          29.25
ROHISO-S-05 ROSE High Society Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROHOPE-B-05 ROSE Honey Perfume Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROHONO-B-02 ROSE Honor Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROHONO-B-05 ROSE Honor Bush 05 BSH  $          29.58
ROHONO-P-05 ROSE Honor Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROHONO-P-15 ROSE Honor Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROHOHU-B-03 ROSE Hope For Humanity 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROHOCO-B-05 ROSE Hot Cocoa 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROHOCO-P-05 ROSE Hot Cocoa Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROHOCO-P-15 ROSE Hot Cocoa Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROICEB-B-01 ROSE Iceberg Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROICEB-B-02 ROSE Iceberg Bush 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROICEB-B-03 ROSE Iceberg Bush 03 BSH  $          21.14
ROICEB-B-05 ROSE Iceberg Bush 05 BSH  $          26.77
ROICEB-B-05R ROSE Iceberg Bush 05 BSH  $          29.58
ROICEB-B-15 ROSE Iceberg Bush 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROICEB-B-24 ROSE Iceberg Bush 24 BSH  $        240.96
ROICEB-S-01 ROSE Iceberg Climber 01 STK  $          11.54
ROICEB-S-05 ROSE Iceberg Climber 05 STK  $          30.81
ROICEB-S-15 ROSE Iceberg Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROICEB-E-24 ROSE Iceberg Esp 24 ESP  $        602.75
ROICEB-E-05 ROSE Iceberg Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROICEB-E-15 ROSE Iceberg Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROICEB-P-05 ROSE Iceberg Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROICEB-P-07 ROSE Iceberg Patio Tree 07 PTR  $          79.79
ROICEB-P-15 ROSE Iceberg Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          90.81
ROICEB-P-24 ROSE Iceberg Patio Tree 24 PTR  $        321.18
ROICDR-B-02 ROSE 'Icy Drift' PPAF 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROINMO-B-05 ROSE In the Mood Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROINBE-B-02 ROSE Ingrid Bergman Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROINBE-B-05 ROSE Ingrid Bergman Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROINBE-P-05 ROSE Ingrid Bergman Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROINBE-P-15 ROSE Ingrid Bergman Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROINTR-B-02 ROSE Intrigue Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROINTR-B-05 ROSE Intrigue Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROINTR-P-05 ROSE Intrigue Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROINTR-P-15 ROSE Intrigue Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROIVDR-B-03 ROSE Ivory Drift 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROJECR-B-02 ROSE Jeeper's Creeper Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROJECR-B-03 ROSE Jeeper's Creeper Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROJFKE-B-02 ROSE John F. Kennedy Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROJFKE-B-03 ROSE John F. Kennedy Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROJFKE-B-05 ROSE John F. Kennedy Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROJFKE-P-05 ROSE John F. Kennedy PatioTree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROJFKE-P-15 ROSE John F. Kennedy PatioTree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROJOFR-B-03 ROSE John Franklin Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROJOCO-S-05 ROSE Joseph's Coat Climber 05 STK  $          32.33
ROJOCO-S-15 ROSE Joseph's Coat Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROJOCO-E-05 ROSE Joseph's Coat Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROJOCO-E-24 ROSE Joseph's Coat Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROJOCO-P-05 ROSE Joseph's Coat Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROJUOB-B-05 ROSE Jude the Obscure 05 BSH  $          48.74
ROJUCH-B-05 ROSE Julia Child Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROJUCH-P-05 ROSE Julia Child Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROJUJO-B-05 ROSE Just Joey Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROJUJO-P-05 ROSE Just Joey Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROJUJO-P-15 ROSE Just Joey Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROKALE-B-02 ROSE Kaleidoscope Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROKALE-B-05 ROSE Kaleidoscope Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROKIRA-B-03 ROSE King's Ransom Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROKIRA-B-05 ROSE King's Ransom Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROKNOU-B-01 ROSE Knock Out Bush 01 BSH  $            9.55
ROKNOU-B-02 ROSE Knock Out Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROKNOU-B-03 ROSE Knock Out Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROKNOU-B-04 ROSE Knock Out Bush 04 BSH  $          10.53
ROKNOU-B-05 ROSE Knock Out Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROKNOU-P-05 ROSE Knock Out Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROKNOU-P-15 ROSE Knock Out Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          98.67
ROLACA-S-05 ROSE LACE Cascade Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROLACA-S-15 ROSE LACE Cascade Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROLAEH-B-05 ROSE Lady Emma Hamilton Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROLAEH-S-05 ROSE Lady Emma Hamilton Climb. 05 STK  $          29.25
ROLEGE-B-05 ROSE Legends Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROLEDR-B-07 ROSE 'Lemon Drift' PP#20635 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROLIEA-B-02 ROSE Livin Easy Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROLIEA-B-03 ROSE Livin Easy Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROLIEA-B-05 ROSE Livin Easy Bush 05 BSH  $          29.58
ROLIEA-P-15 ROSE Livin Easy Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROLOBU-B-03 ROSE Love Bud 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROLOPO-P-05 ROSE Love Potion Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROLOFA-B-03 ROSE Lovely Fairy Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROLOLA-P-05 ROSE Lovers Lane Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROLOLA-P-15 ROSE Lovers Lane Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROMAAC-S-05 ROSE mad. Alfred Carriere Clim 05 STK  $          29.25
ROMABL-B-01 ROSE Magic Blanket Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROMABL-B-02 ROSE Magic Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROMABL-B-03 ROSE Magic Blanket Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMABL-B-05 ROSE Magic Blanket Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMACA-B-01 ROSE Magic Carpet Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROMACA-B-02 ROSE Magic Carpet Bush 02 BSH  $          18.33
ROMACA-B-05 ROSE Magic Carpet Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMACR-B-05 ROSE Magic Carrousel Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMAKO-B-02 ROSE Margo Koster Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMAKO-B-05 ROSE Margo Koster Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMCIF-B-02 ROSE Mciflopan Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEDA-B-03 ROSE Medallion Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMEDA-B-05 ROSE Medallion Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMEDA-E-05 ROSE Medallion Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROMEDA-P-05 ROSE Medallion Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROMEDA-P-15 ROSE Medallion Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROMEAL-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Alba Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEAL-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Alba Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROCHPA-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Cherry Parfait 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMECO-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Coral Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEFI-B-01 ROSE Meidiland Fire Bush 01 BSH  $            8.35
ROMEFI-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Fire Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMEFI-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Fire Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROMEFI-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Fire Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMEFI-P-07 ROSE Meidiland Fire Patio Tree 07 PTR  $        106.54
ROMEFU-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Fuchsia 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEFU-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Fuchsia 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMEFU-P-07 ROSE Meidiland Fuchsia P. T. 07 PTR  $        106.54
ROMEIC-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Ice Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEIC-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Ice Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMEIC-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Ice Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMEMY-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Mystic Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEPE-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Pearl Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMEPE-P-07 ROSE Meidiland Pearl Pat. Tree 07 PTR  $        106.54
ROMEPI-B-01 ROSE Meidiland Pink Bush 01 BSH  $            8.35
ROMEPI-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Pink Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMEPI-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Pink Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMERE-B-01 ROSE Meidiland Red Bush 01 BSH  $            9.35
ROMERE-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Red Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMERE-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Red Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROMERE-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Red Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMERU-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Ruby 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMERU-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Ruby 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMERU-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Ruby 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMESC-B-01 ROSE Meidiland Scarlet Bush 01 BSH  $            8.55
ROMESC-B-02 ROSE Meidiland Scarlet Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMESC-B-03 ROSE Meidiland Scarlet Bush 03 BSH  $          19.74
ROMESC-B-05 ROSE Meidiland Scarlet Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMESC-E-05 ROSE Meidiland Scarlet Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROMEWH-B-01 ROSE Meidiland White Bush 01 BSH  $            8.55
ROMEWH-B-02 ROSE Meidiland White Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROMEWH-B-03 ROSE Meidiland White Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROMEWH-B-05 ROSE Meidiland White Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMEDY-B-05 ROSE Memorial Day 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMITO-B-02 ROSE Midas Touch Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMITO-B-05 ROSE Midas Touch Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROMITO-P-05 ROSE Midas Touch Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROMITO-P-15 ROSE Midas Touch Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROALBE-B-03 ROSE Miss All-American Beauty 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMILI-B-02 ROSE Mister Lincoln Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROMILI-B-03 ROSE Mister Lincoln Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROMILI-B-05 ROSE Mister Lincoln Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROMILI-E-05 ROSE Mister Lincoln Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROMILI-P-05 ROSE Mister Lincoln Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROMILI-P-15 ROSE Mister Lincoln Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          98.67
ROMORU-B-03C ROSE Modern Ruby Bush 03 BSH  $          21.14
ROMORU-N-04C ROSE Modern Ruby Bush 04 PRO  $          10.04
ROMOSU-B-03C ROSE Modern Sunrise Bush 03 BSH  $          21.14
ROMOSU-N-04C ROSE Modern Sunrise Bush 04 PRO  $          10.04
ROMOLI-B-05 ROSE Molineux Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROMOCE-B-03 ROSE Morden Centennial Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
RONARE-B-05 ROSE Nancy Reagan Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RONARE-P-05 ROSE Nancy Reagan Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RONARE-P-15 ROSE Nancy Reagan Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
RONEWI-B-03 ROSE Nearly Wild Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RONEWI-B-05 ROSE Nearly Wild Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RONEPT-B-03 ROSE Neptune 03 BSH  $          19.27
RONEPT-B-05 ROSE Neptune 05 BSH  $          30.52
RONEDA-S-05 ROSE New Dawn 05 STK  $          29.25
RONEDA-S-15 ROSE New Dawn 15 STK  $          83.18
RONEDA-E-15 ROSE New Dawn Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROOKLA-B-02 ROSE Oklahoma Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROOKLA-B-03 ROSE Oklahoma Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROOKLA-B-05 ROSE Oklahoma Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROOKLA-P-05 ROSE Oklahoma Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROOKLA-P-15 ROSE Oklahoma Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROOLYM-B-02 ROSE Olympiad Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROOLYM-B-05 ROSE Olympiad Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROOLYM-P-05 ROSE Olympiad Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROOLYM-P-15 ROSE Olympiad Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROOPNI-B-05 ROSE Opening Night 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROOREG-B-02 ROSE Oregold Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROOREG-B-03 ROSE Oregold Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROOREG-B-05 ROSE Oregold Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROOREG-P-05 ROSE Oregold Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROOREG-P-15 ROSE Oregold Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROPEAC-B-02 ROSE Peace Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPEAC-B-03 ROSE Peace Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROPEAC-B-05 ROSE Peace Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROPEAC-S-05 ROSE Peace Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROPEAC-E-05 ROSE Peace Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROPEAC-E-15 ROSE Peace Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROPEAC-P-05 ROSE Peace Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPEAC-P-15 ROSE Peace Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROPEDR-B-02 ROSE 'Peach Drift' PP#18542 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROPESE-B-02 ROSE Pearl Sevillana Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPEMO-B-02 ROSE Perfect Moment Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPEMO-B-05 ROSE Perfect Moment Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROPEMO-P-05 ROSE Perfect Moment Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPEMO-P-15 ROSE Perfect Moment Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROPEDE-B-03 ROSE Perfume Delight Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROPEDE-B-05 ROSE Perfume Delight Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROPEDE-P-05 ROSE Perfume Delight Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPEDE-P-15 ROSE Perfume Delight Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROPINA-S-05 ROSE 'Pinata' Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROPINA-S-15 ROSE 'Pinata' Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROPIDE-B-02 ROSE Pink Delight 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPIDR-B-01 ROSE Pink Drift PP#18874 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROPIDR-B-02 ROSE Pink Drift PP#18874 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROPIDR-B-03 ROSE Pink Drift PP#18874 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROPIDR-B-07 ROSE Pink Drift PP#18874 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROPIHR-N-04 ROSE 'Pink Home Run' 04 PRO  $          11.04
ROPIHR-B-05R ROSE 'Pink Home Run' 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROPIIC-B-01 ROSE Pink Iceberg Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROPIIC-B-03 ROSE Pink Iceberg Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROPIIC-B-05 ROSE Pink Iceberg Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROPIIC-B-15 ROSE Pink Iceberg Bush 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROPIIC-B-15 ROSE Pink Iceberg Bush 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROPIIC-P-05 ROSE Pink Iceberg Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPIIC-P-15 ROSE Pink Iceberg Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROPIKN-B-02 ROSE Pink Knock Out Bush 02 BSH  $          21.14
ROPIKN-B-03 ROSE Pink Knock Out Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROPIKN-P-05 ROSE Pink Knock Out Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPODR-B-01 ROSE Popcorn Drift ® PPAF 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROPODR-B-02 ROSE Popcorn Drift ® PPAF 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROPOJP-P-05 ROSE Pope John Paul 2nd 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPOJP-B-05 ROSE Pope John Paul 2nd 05 BSH  $          30.31
ROPRPI-S-05 ROSE Pretty in Pink Eden® 05 STK  $          29.25
ROPRIS-B-02 ROSE Pristine Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPRIS-B-05 ROSE Pristine Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROPUPA-P-05 ROSE Purple Passion Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROPUPA-P-15 ROSE Purple Passion Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROPUSI-B-05 ROSE Purple Simplicity Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROPUSP-B-03 ROSE Purple Splash Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROPUTI-B-02 ROSE Purple Tiger Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROPUTI-B-05 ROSE Purple Tiger Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROQUEL-B-02 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROQUEL-B-03 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROQUEL-B-05 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROQUEL-S-05 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROQUEL-E-05 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Esp. 05 ESP  $          64.15
ROQUEL-E-15 ROSE Queen Elizababeth Esp. 15 ESP  $        193.05
ROQUEL-P-05 ROSE Queen Elizababeth P.Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROQUEL-P-15 ROSE Queen Elizababeth P.Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
RORAKN-B-03 ROSE Rainbow Knock Out Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
RORABL-B-01 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORABL-B-02 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
RORABL-B-03 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RORABL-B-05 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RORABL-P-05 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
RORABL-P-15 ROSE Raspberry Blanket Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROREDR-B-01 ROSE Red Drift PP#17877 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROREDR-B-02 ROSE Red Drift PP#17877 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROREDR-B-03 ROSE Red Drift PP#17877 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROREDR-B-07 ROSE Red Drift PP#17877 07 BSH  $          39.88
RORERI-B-01 ROSE Red Ribbons Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORERI-B-02 ROSE Red Ribbons Bush 02 BSH  $          18.33
RORERI-B-03 ROSE Red Ribbons Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
RORERI-B-04 ROSE Red Ribbons Bush 04 BSH  $          10.53
RORERI-B-05 ROSE Red Ribbons Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RORERI-P-05 ROSE Red Ribbons Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RORERI-P-15 ROSE Red Ribbons Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
RORERI-P-24 ROSE Red Ribbons Patio Tree 24 PTR  $        305.45
RORESI-B-01 ROSE Red Simplicity Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORESI-B-05 ROSE Red Simplicity Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RORISA-B-02 ROSE Rio Samba Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
RORISA-B-05 ROSE Rio Samba Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
RORISA-P-05 ROSE Rio Samba Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
RORISA-P-15 ROSE Rio Samba Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
RORORE-B-05 ROSE Ronald Reagan Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
RORORE-P-05 ROSE Ronald Reagan Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROROBL-B-02 ROSE Roseberry Blanket Bush 02 BSH  $                -
RORUAL-B-01 ROSE Rugosa Alba Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORUAL-B-05 ROSE Rugosa Alba Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
RORUGO-B-01 ROSE Rugosa Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORUGO-B-05 ROSE Rugosa Bush 05 BSH  $          24.89
RORUGO-B-05C ROSE Rugosa Bush 05 BSH  $          21.62
RORULP-B-01 ROSE Rugosa Lavander Pink Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
RORULP-B-05 ROSE Rugosa Lavander Pink Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSARA-B-02 ROSE Sarabande Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSARA-B-05 ROSE Sarabande Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSCEN-B-02 ROSE Scentimental Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSCEN-B-05 ROSE Scentimental Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSEFO-B-01 ROSE Sea Foam - Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSEFO-S-01 ROSE Sea Foam - climber 01 STK  $            6.95
ROSEFO-S-05 ROSE Sea Foam - climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSEFO-B-02 ROSE Sea Foam Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROSEFO-B-03 ROSE Sea Foam Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROSEFO-B-05 ROSE Sea Foam Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSEVI-B-01 ROSE Sevillana Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSEVI-B-02 ROSE Sevillana Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSEVI-B-03 ROSE Sevillana Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSEVI-B-05 ROSE Sevillana Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSERE-B-05 ROSE Sexy Rexy Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROSERE-P-05 ROSE Sexy Rexy Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSERE-P-15 ROSE Sexy Rexy Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROSHBL-B-05 ROSE Sheer Bliss 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSHWA-B-03 ROSE Shock Wave Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSHBI-B-05 ROSE Showbiz Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROSHBI-P-05 ROSE Showbiz Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSHBI-P-15 ROSE Showbiz Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROSHLA-S-05 ROSE Shropshire Lad 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSHLA-B-05 ROSE Shropshire Lad Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSIMP-B-01 ROSE Simplicity Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSIMP-B-02 ROSE Simplicity Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSIMP-B-05 ROSE Simplicity Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSKLI-S-05 ROSE Sky's the Limit Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSNSH-B-01 ROSE Snow Shower Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSNSH-B-02 ROSE Snow Shower Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSNSH-B-05 ROSE Snow Shower Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSOCL-S-05 ROSE Social Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSONI-B-03 ROSE Sonia 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROSOPH-B-05 ROSE Sophys Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSPFR-B-05 ROSE Spirit of Freedom Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSAPA-B-02 ROSE St. Patrick Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSAPA-B-03 ROSE St. Patrick Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSAPA-B-05 ROSE St. Patrick Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROSAPA-P-05 ROSE St. Patrick Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSAPA-P-15 ROSE St. Patrick Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSTSW-B-05 ROSE St. Swithun Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSTSW-S-05 ROSE St. Swithun Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROSTSI-B-02 ROSE Sterling Silver Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSTWE-S-05 ROSE Stormy Weather Climber 05 STK  $          32.33
ROSTWE-E-24 ROSE Stormy Weather Esp 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROSUMO-B-03 ROSE Sugar Moon 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSUMO-B-05 ROSE Sugar Moon 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUMO-P-05 ROSE Sugar Moon Ptr 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSUMO-P-15 ROSE Sugar Moon Ptr 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROSULT-B-05 ROSE Sultry Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSULT-P-05 ROSE Sultry Patio tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSULT-P-15 ROSE Sultry Patio tree 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROSURU-B-01 ROSE Sun Runner Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSURU-B-02 ROSE Sun Runner Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSURU-B-05 ROSE Sun Runner Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUBR-B-05 ROSE Sunbright Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUBR-P-05 ROSE Sunbright Bush Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSUBR-P-15 ROSE Sunbright Bush Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSUDA-B-05 ROSE Sundance Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUDA-P-05 ROSE Sundance Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSUVI-B-03 ROSE Sunrise Vigorosa Bush 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROSUVI-B-05 ROSE Sunrise Vigorosa Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROSUCE-B-02 ROSE Sunset Celebration Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSUCE-B-05 ROSE Sunset Celebration Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUCE-P-05 ROSE Sunset Celebration P.Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSUCE-P-15 ROSE Sunset Celebration P.Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSUSP-B-02 ROSE Sunsprite Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSUSP-B-05 ROSE Sunsprite Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROSUSP-P-05 ROSE Sunsprite Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROSUSP-P-15 ROSE Sunsprite Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSWDR-B-03 ROSE Sweet Drift Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROSWDR-B-02 ROSE Sweet Drift PP#21612 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROSWDR-B-07 ROSE Sweet Drift PP#21612 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROTEGE-B-05 ROSE Teasing Georgia Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTEGE-S-05 ROSE Teasing Georgia Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROTEUR-B-05 ROSE Tess of the d'Ubervilles 05 BSH  $          43.66
ROTHFA-B-02 ROSE The Fairy Bush 02 BSH  $          19.27
ROTHFA-B-03 ROSE The Fairy Bush 03 BSH  $          24.89
ROTHFA-B-05 ROSE The Fairy Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTHPR-B-05 ROSE The Prince Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTHBU-B-03 ROSE Theresa Bugnet Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROTIFF-B-03 ROSE Tiffany 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROTIME-B-02 ROSE Timeless Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROTOCL-B-05 ROSE Touch of Class Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTOCL-S-05 ROSE Touch of Class Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROTOCL-S-15 ROSE Touch of Class Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROTOCL-P-05 ROSE Touch of Class Patio tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROTOCL-P-15 ROSE Touch of Class Patio tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROTORO-B-02 ROSE Tournament of Roses Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROTORO-B-05 ROSE Tournament of Roses Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTORO-P-05 ROSE Tournament of Roses PTree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROTORO-P-15 ROSE Tournament of Roses PTree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROTRAD-S-05 ROSE Tradescant Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROTRSU-B-05 ROSE Tropical Sunset Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROTRSU-P-05 ROSE Tropical Sunset Patio Tre 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROTRSU-P-15 ROSE Tropical Sunset Patio Tre 15 PTR  $          82.94
ROTROP-B-03 ROSE Tropicana Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROTROP-B-05 ROSE Tropicana Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROTROP-P-05 ROSE Tropicana Patio tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROTROP-P-15 ROSE Tropicana Patio tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROTUSU-P-05 ROSE Tuscan Sun Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROTUSU-P-15 ROSE Tuscan Sun Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROTWZO-B-05 ROSE Twilight Zone Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROULPI-B-05 ROSE Ultimate Pink Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROULPI-P-05 ROSE Ultimate Pink Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROULPI-P-15 ROSE Ultimate Pink Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROVADA-B-03 ROSE Valentine's Day Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROVADA-S-03 ROSE Valentine's Day Climber 03 STK  $          19.18
ROVADA-S-15 ROSE Valentine's Day Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROVADA-E-24 ROSE Valentine's Day Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROVAVO-B-05 ROSE Vavoom Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROVEHO-B-05 ROSE Veteran's Honor Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROVEHO-P-05 ROSE Veteran's Honor Patio tre 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROVEHO-P-15 ROSE Veteran's Honor Patio tre 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROVISP-B-05 ROSE Victorian Spice Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROVISP-P-05 ROSE Victorian Spice Patio tre 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROVISP-P-15 ROSE Victorian Spice Patio tre 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROSEVO-B-02 ROSE Voodoo Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROVOOD-B-02 ROSE Voodoo Bush 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROVOOD-B-05 ROSE Voodoo Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROVOOD-P-05 ROSE Voodoo Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROVOOD-P-15 ROSE Voodoo Patio Tree 15 PTR  $          75.08
ROWEFU-B-03 ROSE WeFunk Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROWHPR-P-05 ROSE Whisper Patio Tree 05 PTR  $          66.60
ROWHDA-S-05 ROSE White Dawn climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROWHDA-S-15 ROSE White Dawn climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROWHDA-E-24 ROSE White Dawn Esp 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROWHDR-B-02 ROSE 'White Drift' PPAF 02 BSH  $          25.83
ROWHDR-B-07 ROSE 'White Drift' PPAF 07 BSH  $          39.88
ROWHLI-B-03 ROSE White Licorice Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROWHSI-B-01 ROSE White Simplicity Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROWHSI-B-05 ROSE White Simplicity Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROWISP-B-05 ROSE Wild Spice Rugosa 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROWIBR-B-05 ROSE Wildberry Breeze Rugosa 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROWIBA-B-03 ROSE William Baffin Bush 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROWIBA-S-03 ROSE William Baffin Climber 03 STK  $          19.18
ROWIBA-S-15 ROSE William Baffin Climber 15 STK  $          83.18
ROWIBA-E-24 ROSE William Baffin Esp. 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROWISH-B-05 ROSE William Shakespeare Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROWICA-B-05 ROSE Winchester Cathedral Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROWICA-S-05 ROSE Winchester Cathedral Clim 05 STK  $          29.25
ROWIPA-B-03 ROSE 'Winnipeg Parks' PP9122 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROWIPA-N-04 ROSE 'Winnipeg Parks' PP9122 04 PRO  $            9.53
ROWOOD-B-01 ROSE Woodsii Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROWOOD-B-05 ROSE Woodsii Bush 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROWOOD-B-05C ROSE Woodsii Bush 05 BSH  $          26.77
ROWOUL-B-01 ROSE woodsii var. ultramontana 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROHORU-B-02 ROSE x 'Home Run' 02 BSH  $          17.87
ROHORU-B-03 ROSE x 'Home Run' 03 BSH  $          19.27
ROHORU-B-05 ROSE x 'Home Run' 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROSUKN-B-01 ROSE x 'Sunny Knockout' 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROSUKN-B-02 ROSE x 'Sunny Knockout' 02 BSH  $          17.39
ROSUKN-B-03 ROSE x 'Sunny Knockout' 03 BSH  $          26.77
ROTASU-B-05 ROSE x 'Tahitian Sunset' 05 BSH  $          30.52
ROWIBL-B-05 ROSE x 'Wild Blue Yonder' 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROYEBL-S-05 ROSE 'Yellow Blaze' Climber 05 STK  $          29.25
ROYEBL-S-15 ROSE 'Yellow Blaze' Climber 15 STK  $          75.32
ROYEBL-E-24 ROSE 'Yellow Blaze' Climber 24 ESP  $        618.48
ROYERI-B-01 ROSE Yellow Ribbons Bush 01 BSH  $          15.05
ROYERI-B-02 ROSE Yellow Ribbons Bush 02 BSH  $          18.14
ROYESI-B-01 ROSE Yellow Simplicity Bush 01 BSH  $          11.54
ROYESI-B-05 ROSE Yellow Simplicity Bush 05 BSH  $          25.37
ROYESI-E-15 ROSE Yellow Simplicity Esp. 15 ESP  $        200.92
ROSMTB-2-02 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' 2 Tier 02 TOP  $          36.45
ROSMTB-3-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' 3 boll 03 TOP  $          26.77
ROSMTB-CU-01 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Cube 01 TOP  $          11.34
ROSMTB-CU-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Cube 03 TOP  $          28.64
ROSMTB-G-01 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Globe 01 TOP  $            9.66
ROSMTB-G-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Globe 03 TOP  $          26.77
ROSMTB-P-01 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' P. Tree 01 PTR  $          11.34
ROSMTB-P-02 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' P. Tree 02 PTR  $          33.81
ROSMTB-P-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' P. Tree 03 PTR  $          30.31
ROSMTB-R-01 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 01 PYR  $            9.35
ROSMTB-R-02 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 02 PYR  $          17.39
ROSMTB-R-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 03 PYR  $          30.31
ROSMTB-R-05 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 05 PYR  $          33.81
ROSMTB-R-07 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 07 PYR  $          52.05
ROSMTB-R-15 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 15 PYR  $          82.94
ROSMTB-R-24 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Pyramid 24 PYR  $          31.90
ROSMTB-W-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Wreath 01 MIS  $          14.34
ROSMTB-W-03 ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Wreath 03 MIS  $          15.52
ROSMTB-W-03C ROSM. o. 'Tuscan Blue' Wreath 03 MIS  $          31.18
ROSMBB-B-01 ROSMARINUS Benedon Blue 01 HRB  $            6.26
ROSMHC-B-01 ROSMARINUS Huntington Carpet 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMHC-B-05 ROSMARINUS Huntington Carpet 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMLD-B-01 ROSMARINUS Lockwood de Forest 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMLD-B-03 ROSMARINUS Lockwood de Forest 03 BSH  $          13.52
ROSMLD-R-03 ROSMARINUS Lockwood de Forest 03 PYR  $          29.87
ROSMLD-B-05 ROSMARINUS Lockwood de Forest 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMBS-B-01 ROSMARINUS o. 'Blue Spires' 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMBS-B-05 ROSMARINUS o. 'Blue Spires' 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMBS-B-15 ROSMARINUS o. 'Blue Spires' 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROSMIR-B-01 ROSMARINUS o. 'Irene' 01 GCV  $            6.35
ROSMIR-B-05 ROSMARINUS o. 'Irene' 05 BSH  $          17.39
ROSMPR-B-01 ROSMARINUS o. 'Prostratus' 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMPR-B-05 ROSMARINUS o. 'Prostratus' 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMPR-B-07 ROSMARINUS o. 'Prostratus' 07 BSH  $          36.37
ROSMPR-B-15 ROSMARINUS o. 'Prostratus' 15 BSH  $          56.73
ROSMTB-B-01 ROSMARINUS o. 'Tuscan Blue' 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMTB-B-03 ROSMARINUS o. 'Tuscan Blue' 03 BSH  $          15.52
ROSMTB-B-05 ROSMARINUS o. 'Tuscan Blue' 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMTB-B-07 ROSMARINUS o. 'Tuscan Blue' 07 BSH  $          43.38
ROSMTB-B-15 ROSMARINUS o. 'Tuscan Blue' 15 BSH  $          61.63
ROSMBP-B-01 ROSMARINUS of. Blue Prostratus 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMBP-B-05 ROSMARINUS of. Blue Prostratus 05 GCV  $          16.45
ROSMAR-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. Arp 01 HRB  $            6.26
ROSMAR-B-05 ROSMARINUS off. Arp 05 HRB  $          16.45
ROSMBQ-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. 'Barbeque' 01 HRB  $          17.27
ROSMIN-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. Ingramii 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMIN-B-05 ROSMARINUS off. Ingramii 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMKT-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. Ken Taylor 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMKT-B-05 ROSMARINUS off. Ken Taylor 05 GCV  $          16.45
ROSMMP-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. Majorca Pink 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMMP-B-03 ROSMARINUS off. Majorca Pink 03 BSH  $          13.52
ROSMMP-R-03 ROSMARINUS off. Majorca Pink 03 PYR  $          29.87
ROSMMP-B-05 ROSMARINUS off. Majorca Pink 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMRB-B-01 ROSMARINUS off. 'Roman Beauty' 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMRB-B-05 ROSMARINUS off. 'Roman Beauty' 05 BSH  $          16.45
ROSMOF-B-01 ROSMARINUS officinalis 01 BSH  $            6.26
ROSMOF-B-05 ROSMARINUS officinalis 05 GCV  $          16.45
RUBUEC-B-01 RUBUS Emerald Carpet 01 BSH  $            7.35
RUBUPA-B-01 RUBUS parviflorus 01 BSH  $            9.55
RUBUPE-B-01 RUBUS Pentalobus 01 BSH  $            9.55
RUDBBE-B-01 RUDBECKIA Becky 01 BSH  $            6.26
RUDBGO-B-01 RUDBECKIA Goldsturm 01 PER  $            6.26
RUDBGO-B-01P RUDBECKIA Goldsturm 01 PER  $            7.06
RUDBGO-B-02P RUDBECKIA Goldsturm 02 PER  $          17.39
RUDBGO-B-05 RUDBECKIA Goldsturm 05 CLR  $          16.93
RUDBHI-B-01 RUDBECKIA hirta 01 CLR  $            6.26
RUDBHG-B-01 RUDBECKIA hirta Goldilocks 01 PER  $            6.26
RUDBTO-B-01 RUDBECKIA Toto 01 BSH  $            6.26
RUELBR-B-01 RUELLIA brittoniana 01 BSH  $            6.86
RUELBR-B-05 RUELLIA brittoniana 05 BSH  $          17.87
RUELBK-B-01 RUELLIA brittoniana 'Katie' 01 BSH  $            6.35
RUELBK-B-05 RUELLIA brittoniana 'Katie' 05 BSH  $          17.87
RUELKP-B-01 RUELLIA brittoniana Katie Pink 01 BSH  $            6.86
RUELKP-B-05 RUELLIA brittoniana Katie Pink 05 BSH  $          17.87
RUELBP-B-05 RUELLIA brittoniana Pink 05 BSH  $          17.87
RUELPE-B-01 RUELLIA peninsularis 01 BSH  $            6.26
RUELPE-B-05 RUELLIA peninsularis 05 BSH  $          17.87
RUELRC-B-01 RUELLIA Royal Carpet 01 GCV  $            6.26
RUSSEQ-B-01 RUSSELIA Equisetiformis 01 BSH  $            7.86
RUSSEQ-B-02 RUSSELIA Equisetiformis 02 BSH  $          15.03
RUSSEQ-B-04 RUSSELIA Equisetiformis 04 BSH  $            6.53
RUSSEQ-B-05 RUSSELIA Equisetiformis 05 BSH  $          18.81
RYCHPC-B-01 RYCHELYRUM neri. Pink Crystal 01 BSH  $            6.35